What is the recommended lighting for a parking lot?

Proper parking lot lighting is crucial when creating a safe, welcoming environment for drivers and pedestrians. Not only does it improve visibility and security, but it also helps deter criminal activity and provides comfort to those using the space.

parking lot street light

One of the key elements of effective parking lot lighting is the installation of street lights. These lights are specifically designed to illuminate outdoor areas such as parking lots, streets, and sidewalks. With this in mind, it is important to consider recommended parking lot lighting to ensure it meets the necessary standards and provides adequate lighting for users.

There are several factors to consider when determining recommended lighting for your parking lot. These include the size and layout of the parking lot, the intended use of the space, and any specific safety or security requirements. Additionally, the type of streetlight used and its location within the parking lot will also play an important role in determining recommended lighting levels.

Generally, recommended lighting for parking lots is measured in foot candles, a unit of measurement that represents the amount of light falling on a surface. The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has developed specific guidelines for parking lot lighting, recommending different lighting levels depending on the type of parking lot and its intended use.

For example, the IES recommends a minimum average illumination of 1 foot candle for unattended parking lots, where security and safety are primary considerations. On the other hand, a retail or commercial parking lot may require a higher average illumination of 3-5 footcandles to ensure the area is well-lit and attractive to customers and employees.

In addition to average illumination levels, IES also provides guidance on lighting uniformity, i.e. the even distribution of light throughout the parking lot. This is particularly important to ensure there are no black spots or shaded areas as they could pose a safety hazard to people using the car park.

There are several options to consider when choosing the type of street lighting for your parking lot. Traditional metal halide and high-pressure sodium lamps have long been the go-to choice for outdoor lighting, but advances in LED technology have made them a popular alternative. LED street lights offer a variety of benefits, including energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and improved visibility.

In addition, the placement and installation height of street lights in a parking lot can significantly affect the overall lighting efficiency. It is important to strategically place streetlights to minimize glare and shadows while ensuring key areas such as entrances, walkways, and parking spaces are well-lit.

In conclusion, recommended parking lot lighting plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and usability of the space. By following the guidelines set out by the Illuminating Engineering Society and carefully considering the size, layout, and intended use of the parking lot, it is possible to create a well-lit environment that meets the needs of the users. Whether it’s an unattended parking lot, shopping mall, or corporate office, proper lighting can significantly improve the overall experience for everyone who uses the space. With the advent of advanced street lights such as LED technology, there are now more options than ever for optimal lighting in parking lots.

If you are interested in parking lot lighting, welcome to contact TIANXIANG to read more.

Post time: Jan-19-2024